Technical Programme

Session: TH1G Nuclear Industry
Day/Time Thursday, 2021 September 23 / 09:00-10:20 hrs
Venue Atrium 3


Development of Containment Failure Probability and Uncertainty Analysis Program, COFUN-M
Byeongmun Ahn, Dohyun Lim, Youngho Jin and Moosung Jae


Development of the Deep Learning Based Fast Simulation for Reducing the Uncertainty in Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Hyeonmin Kim, Seunghyoung Ryu and Jinkyun Park


A New Generation of RAM Models to Incorporate Obsolescence Management Issues
Isabel Martón, Sebastián Martorell, Ana Sánchez and Sofia Carlos


Application of Layerwise Relevance Propagation for Explaining AI Models in Nuclear Field
Seung Geun Kim and Jaehyun Cho