Proceedings of the

The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
3 – 8 September 2023, Southampton, UK

Flood Risk Assessment for Pressure Equipment

Antonino Muratore1,a, Giuseppe Giannelli1,b, Vincenzo Nastasi2,c, Giovanni Grillone2,d and Corrado Delle Site3

1UOT Como, Inail, Via Petrarca 4 - 22100 Como, Italy.

2UOT Palermo, Inail, Via dei cantieri 120 - 90142 Palermo, Italy.

3DIT, Inail, Via Ferruzzi 38/40 - 00143 Roma, Italy.


In Europe, economic losses due to floods have steadily increased in recent years. Floods are natural phenomena that cannot be prevented, but increasing human settlements and economic assets in floodplains and the reduction of the natural water retention by land use together with climate change contribute to increase the likelihood of adverse impacts of flood events. In light of the recent hydrogeological instability phenomena throughout the European territory, with particular reference to the exceptional events that occurred on the Italian territory in the Lombardy and Sicily regions, we conduct an in-depth study on the aspects related to the management of flood risk in workplaces with pressure equipment. In the presence of pressure equipment, the flood risk can lead to the release of dangerous substances, concomitant events such as explosions, toxic dispersions, surface pollution of water bodies and aquifers.

For a correct assessment of flood risk, we considered three factors:

H (Hazard): probability of occurrence of a flood event in a fixed time interval and in a certain area; V (Vulnerability): probability of equipment damage related to maximum water speed (s) and maximum water height (h); E (Exposure): extent and severity of the damage to the receptors (people, goods, infrastructures, services) potentially involved by the effects caused by the flood event.

The purpose of this work is to propose an index method for a preliminary flood risk assessment for pressure equipment (Steam Generators, Reactors, Pressure Vessels, Piping, etc.) present in industrial plants. After defining the level of risk, if it is not acceptable, the main corrective actions are proposed.

Keywords: Flood risk, Occupational safety, Risk assessment, Risk treatment, Pressure equipment and assemblies.

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