Technical Programme

Session: S01Reliability of Passive Systems in Nuclear Power Plants - Perspectives and Challenges


Assessment of RELAP5-3D for Application on in-Pool Passive Power Removal Systems
Vincenzo Narcisi, Lorenzo Melchiorri, Fabio Giannetti and Gianfranco Caruso


Assessing the Impact of Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners on the Accident Progression in a VVER 1000
P. Groudev, P. Petrova, A. Stefanova, R. Gencheva and P. Vryashkova,


Qualification of RELAP5-3D Code Against the In-pool Passive Energy Removal System PERSEO Data
Andrea Bersano, Cristina Bertani, Nicolò Falcone, Mario De Salve, Fulvio Mascari and Paride Meloni


The Passive Safety Concept of Kerena: From Design to Experimental Verification
Thomas Wagner and Thomas Mull


Risk Assessment of Operation Strategy using High Pressure Emergency Makeup System during SBO
Sang Hee Kang, Ho Rim Moon and Sang Won Lee