Technical Programme

Session: T38Risk Analysis and Safety in Standardization


Variability of Human Approach Speeds to Hazardous Areas in the Work Area of Metal Working Machine Tools
Martin Schmauder, Karl Klöber and Carolin Kreil


Evaluation of Upgrading Options for Single-Channel Mechatronic Safety Functions Into Category 2 Structure According to ISO 13849 Based on Standard PLC's
Martin Dazer, Dennis Hügle, Bernd Bertsche, Maik Messner, Eberhard Beck and Heinrich Mödden


Safety of Machinery: Sample Size of Test Persons to Chieve the Required P-Values
Heinrich Moedden


Correction of Under-Reporting in Wind Turbine Structural Failure Data
John Spouge


Improved Design Conventions for Separating Guards of Grinding Machines
Matthias Timm , Christian Adler , Olaf Mewes and Heinrich Moedden


Modeling the Impact of Grinding Wheel Fragments on Steel Sheets Using Finite Element Analyses
Eckart Uhlmann, Simon Thom, Zachary Schellin and Lukas Prasol


Harmonization of International Standards and Chinese National Standards for Developing Life Cycle RAMS Management Guideline for Nuclear Power Plants in China
Renyou Zhang and Zhizhong Li


A Safety Regulatory Framework for Certification and Authorization Process of Selfdriving Cars: Experience from European Railways
Ales Filip, Francesco Rispoli and Roberto Capua


Reliability Test Information for Production Assurance and Reliability Management Based on ISO 20815:2018 - Uncertainty Linked to Test Requirements
Jon T. Selvik, Endre Willmann and Alex Green


A Taxonomy for Cross-Domain Fire Hazards in Building Design
Balaji Kalluri, Anja Kivac and Hannah Rosenqvist


Calibration of an Air Cannon for Safety Penetration Tests
Luca Landi, Alessandro Stecconi, Fabio Pera and Ernesto Del Prete


Study on Safety Evaluation of Freeway Tunnel Operation Based on the Grey Correlation Method and IAHP
Kaijiang Chen, Shaoxiong Huang, Ran Li and Mengqian Li


The Basis for Debating Standardization of Risk for Land-use Planning is Incomplete
Johan Ingvarson